Skill Development
New Horizons for 2S-LGBTQ+ Older Adults
Creating social support and community connection in Simcoe/Muskoka, North Bay, and the Greater Sudbury area.
Skill Development

Skills for Change Seniors Programming
Skills for Change provides older adults opportunities to lead and participate in physical wellness workshops, art workshops, designing project activities, networking, and social mentorship. Training is provided by senior experts in financial planning, communication and networking, health and wellness, entrepreneurship and career advancement.

Tech Safety + Older Adults
In 2014, the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL), with contributions from Disability Rights Wisconsin and the Safety Net Project of the National Network to End Domestic Violence, released a series of handouts aimed at helping older adults identify ways to safeguard themselves from those who misuse technology to control, harass, stalk, and/or threaten them. In 2020, NCALL updated and expanded those resources to create this toolkit.

The McMaster Optimal Aging Portal
The McMaster Optimal Aging Portal, a unique online health resource created by McMaster University to support the healthy aging of Canada's older adult population, is highlighting ways to stay active and engaged while practicing physical distancing during the current COVID-19 pandemic

University Courses for Older Adults
If you are 65 years of age or over, subject to meeting admissions and prerequisite requirements, you may enrol in university courses for credit without payment of tuition and supplementary fees. The required full-time application fee must be paid and must accompany the appropriate application (Undergraduate) to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre. To see a list of universities that offer free courses to older adults, please visit this link Living Maples - Best Degrees for Older Adults